I've just received an acceptance letter for presentation at the 16th International Conference on Learning 2009 which will be held at University of Barcelona, Spain, from 1 July - 4 July, 2009 ! :-
"On behalf of the Organising Committee for the International Conference on Learning you are invited to attend and present your paper “Reflective Practice and Professional Development in Engineering Education” at the:
The Sixteenth International Conference on Learning
University of Barcelona, Spain
1-4 July 2009
The Learning Conference is attended and supported by delegates who wish to share knowledge and to learn from the experience of others on an international level. The 2009 event will bring together some of the world’s leading thinkers and practitioners in this field.We feel that your involvement in the conference presentations and general discussions will add great value to this challenging and inspiring forum.
You can find regularly updated information about the conference on our website:
http://thelearner.com/conference/ should you require further information or have any questions, please feel free to contact the Conference Secretariat at support@thelearner.com.
We do hope you will be able to attend this important and timely international conference.
Yours Sincerely,
Dr Bill Cope
Director "
I'm deeply honoured and overjoyed! Barcelona, here I come....!

belated congratulations to u!! bestnye nak p spain!!!!
Tau tau boleh gi ke tak ni, tengok keadaan dulu. Yang ptg paper tu boleh submit ke International Journal of Learning. At least submit sbg Virtual Presentation pun OK gak, asalkan dapat masuk Journal tu..!
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