Priorities can make or mar our destiny in life, if one does not have a good sense of purpose and direction in life, you are as good as a merchant ship sailing the Atlantic without a captain, a map, a compass or seasoned sailors. The ship will wander aimlessly on the high sea and might be attacked by pirates. Thus we need to outline our priorities in life and start with the easiest and gradually move to the hardest, by so doing, we'll gain confidence in facing obstacles that are bound to come our ways as we move ahead in life. This leads us to the question "so how do I set my priorities straight?" you can follow this simple steps.
1. List all the priorities you intend to achieve in life
2. Now, categorise them into short term priorities, medium term priorities and long term priorities
3. Next, you arrange each term of priority from the easiest to the most difficult in terms of effort and financial cost that will be channeled into it.
4. Having done this, you set completion dates for each priority and you'll start working towards it.
5. Search for people within your family, friends or relatives that have achieved the priority you intend to work on and hear their success stories and challenges that came their ways
6. Request and seek the assistance of these individuals to act as your mentor, until your set priority is achieved. Don't forget to thank them, send them flowers or invite them to lunch or coffee.
7. Thank God for the successful completion of your first priority and move on to the next priority, using the experience gained from the first priority and repeating the same basic but time tested and result oriented steps.
Mr. Cheke Victor Babatunde
C.E.O. Vicmancheks Global Business Solutions.
Health and Wellness, Online Money Making, Web Hosting and much more
234-802-850-3607, 234-805-336-7468
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