As for me, this is among the annually events that I’ve always looking forward to share with my ex students. Despite the difficulties and barriers they have encountered, they finally managed to overcome all that with their undying commitment and perseverance. When Izza (my current post Graduate Student) came over to my room yesterday and proudly showed me her medal (awarded First Class for her Under Graduate Degree in this Convocation), her eyes sparkled with excitement and satisfaction. I can clearly visualize her proud parents waiting for her back home as I passionately hugged and congratulated her. “She deserves it”, I said to myself , because Izza is currently one of my excellent student in class (now pursuing her Masters), who have always stood up with her brilliant ideas and opinions.
Izza with her Gold Medal =>>
This morning, I've celebrated this joyous moment with my ex students who have finally succeed in their pursuit of knowledge for a better future. As adult learners, I really admired their hard work and determination. They have foreseen the opportunities that lie ahead of them and determined to move forward no matter what people says. They have sacrificed their heart and soul to realize their dreams and truly follow their heart.
To my dearest ex-students, Congratulations! I’m really proud of you and hope you’ll attain whatever dreams that you aspires! All the best to :-
Master of Management (Technology)
El Mahdee, Fairul Anwar, Hasmawati, Janiah, Nadia Akmal, Nordiana, Shahdon, and Tay Kian Thiam.
Master of Science (Human Resource Development)
Ahmad Hashim, Ahmad Rizakee, Cik Rohaida, Fadillah, Khairunnisa, Joyce, Maryam Soalihah, Mohd. Zaidi, Norlia, Nursyima, Pengeran Hidayatullah, Roslan, Siti Juhaida and Yoong Soon Kiong.
The Ceremony..=>>
(From L-R): Norlia, Me, Yoong, Siti Juhaida, Roslan and Rizakee =>>

A special message dedicated to my ex-students....
The job market today is a reflection of the global economy. It is highly competitive where there is more supply than demand. Only the most efficient and innovative companies and countries are successful. Companies require knowledge workers with specific skills, experience, good communication and interpersonal skills. They need employees who can be productive and efficient when working on their own and as part of a team, people who can deal with customers and people who can write reports. In other words, they are very demanding.
So, you have to be creative, persistent and never give up. Leave no stone unturned. Don't let any opportunity pass you by. In every initiative you take, demonstrate your willingness to learn and to be trained. Show enthusiasm. Be realistic in what you ask for and what you expect. The road may be long, with many twists and turns, but it will eventually lead you to where you want to be. Never get discouraged, no matter the disappointments along the way. Look towards the future and follow your dream.
Today is your day. It is an important time in your lives. You have achieved distinction and made your family proud. Remember this moment. The degree you have obtained is a recognition of success. Apply the things you have learned here in your job search. While your degree is not a ticket for a job like it used to be, it represents an advantage in today's marketplace. Be proud of what you have accomplished. Build on it for the future. Remember this institution. Remember to give back some of what it has given you.
Remember this....
You will be forever close to my heart. If you're thinking of pursuing your PhD, my door is always open for you, just like it has been before. Please keep in touch and feel free to contact me anytime..! Adios!

Assalamualaikum!!! Congratulation to all graduates! You must be proud during the ceremony! It's grand than before !!!!(compare with my 41st convocation ceremony).
Hope u can use ur KSA and now, we have KSAP (P : Performance)to enhance ur self-eficacy and career development!!!!
Be d' superb one and energetic person like Dr Honey....he3....all d best!!!
New comer : Irma
(Note : Dr, my blog still in progress!!!)
Thank you, Irma!
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